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Eco Vila |
O Eco Vila é um projeto ecológico iniciado no Vila do Mar no Bairro Pirambu, tendo como marco inicial a criação e a manutenção de uma horta coletiva para a comunidade do Pirambu com foco em plantas medicinais para o uso coletivo dos moradores.
Eco Vila is an ecological project started in Vila do Mar in Bairro Pirambu, with the initial milestone the creation and maintenance of a collective garden for the community of Pirambu with a focus on medicinal plants for the collective use of residents.
Eco Vila is an ecological project started in Vila do Mar in Bairro Pirambu, with the initial milestone the creation and maintenance of a collective garden for the community of Pirambu with a focus on medicinal plants for the collective use of residents.
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Praia do Pirambu |
A iniciativa de se criar uma horta medicinal coletiva na praia surgiu do Cléber e do Cássio juntos com outros amigos. O Cléber conhecia pessoas que já tinham feito uma horta medicinal, pegou a ideia e com o Cássio juntos com os outros amigos colocaram em prática. Apesar da dificuldade, aos poucos o Eco Vila vai ficando conforme o planejado, pois todo dia às 16:00 o Cléber e amigos aparecem por lá para cuidar da horta e ir melhorando aos poucos.
The initiative to create a collective medical vegetable garden on the beach came from Cléber and Cássio together with other friends. Cléber knew people who had already made a medicinal garden, took the idea and with Cássio together with the other friends put it into practice. Despite the difficulty, little by little Eco Vila is getting on as planned, because every day at 16:00 Cléber and friends show up there to take care of the vegetable garden and gradually improve.
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Eco Vila em construção |
"O principal objetivo é poder trazer o acesso gratuito de plantas medicinais para os moradores que sofrem tanto por conta da pobreza e não ter dinheiro para comprar um medicamento, fazendo a horta ajudar quem precisa tanto pelos benefícios a saúde que essas plantas podem trazer para os indivíduos, quanto também para evitar a ida dos moradores a postos de saúde e para UPA superlotado por motivos rasos, como dores de barriga, de cabeça etc, que podem ser evitados e eliminados com o uso de plantas medicinais", diz Cléber.
"The main objective is to be able to bring free access to medicinal plants for residents who suffer so much because of poverty and not have the money to buy a medicine, making the garden help those in need for the health benefits that these plants can bring to the individuals, as well as to prevent residents from going to health posts and to overcrowded UPA for shallow reasons, such as belly pain, headaches etc, which can be avoided and eliminated with the use of medicinal plants ", says Cléber.
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Eco Vila Mudinhas |
Eco Vila - A horta Medicinal Coletiva do Pirambu
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Eco Vila - Malva do Reino |
A malva é uma planta medicinal, também conhecida como Malva-cheirosa, Malva-das-boticas, Malva-silvestre, Malva-de-casa, Malva-rosa ou Rosa cheirosa, muito utilizada no tratamento de infecções.
O chá de malva pode ser tomado e é excelente para combater a prisão de ventre, soltar o catarro e combater a dor de garganta.
Mallow is a medicinal plant, also known as hollyhock, hollyhock, wild hollyhock, hollyhock, hollyhock or fragrant rose, widely used to treat infections.
Mauve tea can be taken and is excellent for fighting constipation, releasing phlegm and fighting throat pain.
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Eco Vila - Agrião |
Watercress is a super antioxidant, boosts immunity, helps fight infections and is a great food to facilitate the digestive process. It can be easily added to your diet through salads and green juices.
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Eco Vila - Cidreira |
Lemon balm, scientific name Melissa officinalis, is soothing, diuretic and expectorant, and therefore lemon balm tea can be used as a home remedy to calm, fight fluid retention and is also useful to fight phlegm , when it is associated with lemon.
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Eco Vila - Limão |
Lemon contains potassium, a mineral that has an action contrary to sodium on blood pressure: while sodium causes it to increase, potassium causes a decrease. Thus, the consumption of lemon helps to maintain the pressure within a healthy range, avoiding hypertensive crises.
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