Medusa is a mythological being very well known in Greek mythology, her figure of a woman with snake hair is widely portrayed in cartoons, movies, music etc. But few know that the Medusa was one of the most beautiful women in Greece. According to mythology, she had beautiful golden hair, so beautiful that it made Poseidon fall in love and abuse Medusa inside the temple of Athens. This made the goddess Athens furious, but since she could not go against Uncle, she decided to curse Medusa, turning her into a monster.
Porém a nossa medusa não tem nada de mostro, ela tem outro nome, ela se chama Laetitia Ky, e contradizendo a mitologia ela é belíssima, e aqueles que olharem para os seus cabelos ficam encantados.
But our "Medusa" has nothing the ugly, she has another name, she is called Laetitia Ky, and contradicting the mythology she is beautiful, and those who look at her hair are enchanted.
Nossa Medusa da vida real, além de linda é uma grande modelo e artista, e adivinhem com o que ela faz a suas artes ? Isso mesmo, com seus lindos e bem cuidados sabemos escuros.
Our beautiful, real-life Medusa is a great model and artist, and I guess what she does to her arts? Your hair and your ideas are raw materials for your art.
É impossível ver as fotos de Laetitia Ky sem ser movido. Sua expressividade, talento fotografico e artístico passa uma sensação boa para as pessoas.
It is impossible to see the photos of Laetitia Ky without being moved. Its expressiveness, photographic and artistic talent gives a good feeling to people.
Laetitia Ky é uma verdadeira defensora da beleza com tudo incluído, de se orgulhar do que nos torna únicos e, claro, do seu país e cultura, que n o seu caso é a cultura África.
Laetitia Ky is a true advocate of all-inclusive beauty, to be proud of what makes us unique and, of course, of her country and culture, which in her case is the African culture.
Seu meio de expressão artística é o cabelo, que, como ela diz, é uma extensão de suas idéias e uma maneira natural de apresentar o que passa pela sua cabeça.
Her medium of artistic expression is hair, which, as she says, is an extension of her ideas and a natural way of presenting what goes through her mind.
Além do cabelo, ela usa extensões e fios para criar formas que quase assumem vida própria. É mágico, esplêndido e quase surreal das formas, desenhos e ideias desenvolvidas e expostas utilizando os seus cabelos.
Nós do Pirambu Pensante, selecionamos alguns de nossos fotos favoritos, mas se você estiver procurando por mais, visite e siga a artista no Instagram clicando
aqui -> Laetitia Ky
In addition to hair, she uses extensions and hair to create shapes that almost take on a life of their own. It is magical, splendid and almost surreal of the shapes, designs and ideas developed and displayed using your hair.
We at Pirambu Pesante have selected some of our favorite photos, but if you are looking for more, visit and follow the artist on Instagram by clicking
here -> Laetitia Ky
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